Today, 19th June is the 30th Anniversary of the release of the 'Breakthru' single, so why not celebrate and support Brickthru! The Miracle Express Lego campaign!
Queen and Lego Fan Adam Hickey has submitted this terrific set to the Lego Ideas site and we need the Queen Fan Community to make it happen - check out the new promo clip he has put together!
Lego Ideas is a place where Lego fans can create models with the hopes of having them made into real Lego sets. Each submission needs to reach 10,000 votes to be considered. Lego Ideas is most famous for getting the Beatles Yellow Submarine produced.
Adam got in contact and said: "I think it would be amazing to get Queen depicted in Lego form and I think The Miracle Express is so iconic it could rival The Yellow Submarine in popularity. Support has been enthusiastic however I need a lot more votes to reach 10,000. I think this set would be a terrific tribute to a brilliant band!"
So what are you waiting for Queen Fans? Let's do this!
Click here to support and vote for The Miracle Express Lego Idea!